Thursday, November 19, 2009

First Thoughts on Transparent Things

About a year ago I decided to take my love of food to the next level and climb my own personal culinary Everest and make croque en bouche. While I knew it could be considered a particularly difficult task it seemed rather basic, multiple cream puffs stacked in a tower and glazed with sugar. How wrong I was, however after about three days and four fallen messes of cakes I finally got it right and it was quite possibly the most delicious dessert I have ever had. I now see that Transparent Things is possibly my literary croque en bouche, I underestimated it due primarily to its short length. While I enjoyed the work I am rather confident now that coming to a comprehensive understanding of the text will be a long process of trial and error.

I was really loving Nabokov’s attention to and use of the relationship between the afterlife and those who are living, and the narration from beyond the grave. That was until Tuesdays class when the possibility of multiple narrators was brought up, sending me spiraling back into a state of complete confusion. It seems to me that Transparent Things is an entirely different type of writing in which the reader is the main character ( You Person) and the narrator is both a fictional dead man and possibly also the author himself ( who also seems to be a character in a book by the previously mentioned dead narrator in the form of his anagrammed name in Adam Von Librikov.) So while you are a character in a story by Nabokov, he is a character in a story by Mr. R? This jumbled and confused line of thinking I am on is feeling more and more like that that mess of deflated cream puffs and burnt sugar by the second.

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