Friday, December 11, 2009

How does one finish this class in a blog? This was certainly a course unlike any other i have ever taken and will probably ever take again. When i first learned that the author we would be studying was Nabokov all i knew was that he was the pervert who wrote a book about pedophilia, oh how much i have learned! I have loved learning about Nabokov and i am so glad that i took this section of studies of a major author because while the class might be over i feel like my discoveries about Nabokov's literature are just beginning.

1 comment:

  1. "my discoveries about Nabokov's literature are just beginning"

    Indeed, the richness offered by this author in his novels goes way beyond what one could expect at first sight. For instance, as Nabokov admitted in two interviews in the 60s, there is a subjacent level of reading in several of his books, He named "Lolita" explicitly.

    For instance in one of these interviews he said: “(Lolita) was like the composition of a beautiful puzzle – its composition and its solution at the same time, since one is mirror view of the other, depending on the way you look”.

    And indeed, we can see phenomenons of reflexion in the novel (e.g. Pratt / Trapp, Blanche Schwarzman / Melanie Weiss, the widow Haze / the widow Hays, etc…).

    Here’s a link treating the subject if you’re interested:


